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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dia Mirza in Black Dress Picture

Armed with a lethal new look and an attitude to match, Dia Mirza is all set to shed her Miss Goody Two Shoes image. Dainty, dreamy, elfin... all these adjectives once described Dia Mirza. The operative word here being 'once'. But today, there's a new Ms Mirza in the house who audaciously demands nothing less than sexy, sultry and a host of other femme fatal-esque synonyms
to be bestowed on her.

This sudden volte-face from sweet to sexy is all thanks to her upcoming Sanjay Gupta* film Acid Factory, which has the actor playing the anti-heroine Max, a cold, manipulative character that Dia admits is "the darkest side of me..." Even her Facebook message board mirrors her state of mind: "I am working harder than ever because Max is the most challenging character to play."