Happy New Year Friends! For the last day of the year, Ariel and I had to go to the Vet. Mom was worried about us. Ariel refused to look at the camera! She thought something was up.

Waiting in the doctors room is pure torture!

I thought Buffy was limping from the donkey kick a few years ago when she lived on the farm. Now, she may have a torn tendon from jumping around and playing ~ Buffy wanted me to point this out to you, did you notice the Vets hair is the same color as Buffy's? Hehehehe. He's a great Vet, so we won't tell him!

This is Ariel's growth I found on her face. It turns out to be a skin tag. The Vet had a larger name for it but it is simply a skin tag...He said older dogs will get them.

I may be deaf and blind, but old....NOT, I'm only 13!